In Memory
of our Fallen

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Other Pics pulled
from the Yearbooks
Personal Pics
taken by Alumni
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Wurzburg American High School
Leighton Barracks - Wurzburg, Germany

In Memory
of our Fallen Wolves


Click the picture above to submit a Fallen Wolf

Use the buttons at the bottom of this box to navigate between years.
 (There is a Faculty button after the Classes, click the 3 dots ...)
There is a scroll bar at the right to navigate up and down.




Berlin Yearbooks Online

Anyone visiting this page should be aware that from 1949 to 1954
Wurzburg Students were bused to Fürth, later Nürnberg:  
The history from 1946 to 1948 is very vague!  
No records were maintained! 
 The early years of Wurzburg can be found in the 1955-1958,
 1959A and 1960A Erinnnerungen Year Books!
Yes there is some fantastic history as well as Old Photography contained in all of them!
You'll find those in the 2nd row from the top, on the Berlin Page
If you would like to receive some of the Old History References,
"please let me know!" -Gene Foreman

Thanks for dropping by to look at your yearbook.
Please get in touch with any comments or reactions!
Please add your Years Attended or Grad Year to the Guestbook!!


Lifetime Visitors

These pages were created and are maintained by
Petra (Petey) Benton Holland '80
